About Us
About Veritas

Veritas is an actuarial and consulting firm specialising in providing Employee Stock Option Solutions (valuations, reporting, scheme designing and implementation), Actuarial Valuations of Employee Benefits as well as advising and assisting clients on Asset Liability Management of employee benefit schemes.

Designing and valuation of employee benefit schemes involves consideration of multitude of factors which can make the whole process challenging and complicated. We at Veritas understand the complexities involved and work hard to offer you simple solutions that meet your needs.

Whether it is valuations or designing of benefits, our expertise and research helps you find the right solution!

When it comes to valuation services, we provide customised solutions with use of data analytics and continuous research, which helps you in optimum recognition of liability and better management of expenses.

When it comes to designing of employee benefits (such as ESOPs, Stock Appreciation Rights, Phantom Units, etc.), we help you construct a compensation structure that makes your employees feel connected as well as meets your company’s financial goals.

We at Veritas specialise in following services:
  • Designing, implementation, valuation and disclosures (as per IND AS 102) of all forms of share-based employee payments, referred to as Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs).
    • ESOPs provide a mechanism to directly align the compensation of the key employees of the Company with the value they drive for the Company. Many different forms of share-based payment mechanisms exist catering to different organization structures (from start-ups, medium sized enterprises to large listed entities). We help you evaluate whether ESOPs are the right fit for your organization, help you design the right scheme which strikes a right balance between your organization and employee goals and carry out measurement and disclosure of ESOPs for accounting purposes.
  • Actuarial valuation of Gratuity, Leave, Provident Fund schemes, Long Service Awards, Loyalty Bonus, post-retirement medical benefits plan and pension plans (as per Ind AS 19, AS 15, IAS 19, US GAAP).
  • Designing customised employee benefit plans such as Long Service Awards, Loyalty Bonus, post- retirement medical benefits plan and pension plans.
  • Asset Liability Management of employee benefit schemes